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Breast Augmentation

This operation places either silicone or saline implants for breast enhancement. Typically for cosmetic purposes, the implant in placed underneath the pectoralis (chest) muscle. 

Breast augmentation can also be combined with a breast lift called a mastopexy if you have excess skin or if the nipple is in the incorrect position. 


See results of breast augmentation below!

Breast Augmentation





Price is all inclusive with the exception of an overnight stay in our suites

This patient is 6 wks out from tummy tuck to remove the excess skin, diastasis repair, and subfascial implant placement to restore breast volume in a very athletic mother. 

This patient is 6 wks post op after subfascial breast augmentation with smooth round moderate profile 385cc implants. She is thrilled with the results!

Subfascial placement (meaning on top of the muscle but below the muscle fascia layer) is a great option for women who are very active in the gym as you have improved implant coverage without animation deformity or implant displacement. 

This patient is 6 wks post op after Submuscular breast augmentation with smooth round moderate profile 355cc (right) and 385cc (left) implants. Patient states she now has so much confidence and loves the result. 


This patient suffered from scoliosis and severe chest wall asymmetry (ribs). She is now 10 wks post subpectoral Breast Augmentation with silicone implants. We are all very happy with her results!


This patient is now 3 months out from breast augmentation. She desired a much fuller larger appearance so; therefore, we chose 565 High profile implants to give her the desired look. 

3 months post op after subpectoral breast augmentation with saline implants. 


This patient is 2 months post op from breast augmentation with saline implants filled to 325cc high profile. She wanted a larger full and projected appearance without being excessively large. 

She is very happy with the results.